
Angling Association for Frederikshavn & Surroundings

Welcome to the Angling Association for Frederikshavn & Surroundings

The Angling Association for Frederikshavn and Omegn was started way back in 1933, and today the association is a very active association with just under 150 members.

There is an active junior section, the seniors have a club night on Thursdays, and on Tuesdays there is a pensioner's club. During the winter semester, lectures and events are held at regular intervals for the members in the clubhouse in Århusgade

In addition, the association has a very active water care committee which is responsible for the establishment and renovation of spawning banks, the removal of minor blockages in the tributaries, electrofishing and stocking. The Water Care Committee works purposefully to build up a larger natural population, and hopefully one day have a self-reproducing population

The association has fishing rights in Elling å, Skærum å, Åsted å, Knasborg å and Bangsbo å

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