Storå West
Holstebro og Omegns Fiskeriforening

Broken clouds 5° C

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Season: 16/04 to 15/10

HOF Zone 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

This Angling Permit grants fishing rights to zones 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, but only on yellow and orange beats. Black beats are reserved for members only. Green lines indicate access roads to car parks.

You will find links to the other zones here: HOF all zones Click on the colored surfaces and find links to detailed maps.

Follow the salmon quotas for the Association at Storå here:

Statutory reporting of all catches can be done here:

Get directions and read about fishing rules and parking rules, including the penalties, if you do not comply.

Below you can see maps of fishing waters in the different zones

Be aware that there are beats reserved for members only

Map Zone 1

Map Zone 2

Map Zone 3

Map Zone 4

Map Zone 5

Tap on "P" to get directions to parking including GPS coordinates

Tap onand get the old place name.

Yellow indicates the fishing rights on the north side.

Orange indicates fishing rights on the south side.

Black indicates "Members Only".

Green indicates the driving directions to the car park.

Light blue indicates the foot path to the river.

When you are fishing in primary salmon waters in Storå (zones 1-5), you must buy the mandatory StoråCard from the Sammenslutningen ved Storå. They use the proceeds to ensure conditions in the river so that the fish can maintain a self-reproducing stock. You can read more and buy the StoråCard here:

By the way. Did You remember to buy the govenment fishing licence?

You can make the purchase here:

Rules and regulations


Tables and benches
Composting toilet

Fish types


Find your way