For improvement of the Storå River: THE STORÅ-CARD
Sammenslutningen ved Storå

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If You are fishing for salmon i Storå River it is mandatory to buy a StoråCard, when fishing in that part of the river, which is defined as primary salmon water. This is a condition for having a quota for bringing home a caught salmon.

This is according to the Government Notice on special fishing regulations for the Storå water system. Primary salmon water is for the moment defined as the main run of Storå from the power plant by the Vandkraftsøen until the outlet in the Nissum Fjord


The StoråCard is a supplement to other provisions on fishing in the part of Storå covered by the Government Notice.


The StoråCard covers 1 season and is mandatory for persons aged 18 and over.


The funds received are used exclusively for water course management work, such as maintenance and laying out of new spawning grounds.


The work is a prerequisite for Storå's unique salmon population to be maintained and hopefully grow.


Other fish species such as trout and grayling also benefit from the funds from the StoråCard.


The StoråCard is administered by the Sammenslutningen ved Storå (Storå Association).



The Sammenslutningen ved Storå was born on the 18th of February 2009.


It consists of a group of sports fishing clubs, landowners and consortia who have fishing rights along the Storå and its tributaries.


This is the vision of the association:


We are working intensively on creating spawning grounds so that the fish population in Storå and its water systems become self-reproducing.


Storå will be free of blockages from source to outlet into the sea.


We are innovative and proactive, and we believe that:


"When you pull togehter - you pull the most"

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